Healing Codes

Alleviating Addiction

Episode Summary

In this episode, I’ll be covering the underlying factors of addiction, ways to clear and rebalance the body matrix to treat addiction holistically, and self-help tools to support your system to reclaim empowerment, truth and choice when addictive tendencies arise.

Episode Notes

Episode 15 | Treating addiction with Consciousness Medicine. Addiction comes in many forms, from alcohol, drugs, pharmaceuticals, food, sugar, sex, codependent relationships, shopping, internet, video games, gambling, work and many others.  No matter how it shows up in reality, a similar underlying energy is associated with it.  And these underlying issues must be treated across the Body Matrix in order to alleviate the hold addiction can have on all states of being. 

In this episode, I’ll be covering the underlying factors of addiction, ways to clear and rebalance the body matrix to treat addiction holistically, and self-help tools to support your system to reclaim empowerment, truth and choice when addictive tendencies arise.