Healing Codes

Choose Peace

Episode Summary

Healing Codes Podcast where we explore the deeper layers of consciousness, healing and transformation. I’m Julie Williams your host and today I’ll be exploring a theme that speaks to the heart of true liberation – Choosing Peace from within.

Episode Notes

Episode 84 | This episode is inspired by Yogananda, the beloved author of Autobiography of a Yogi, who popularised yoga and meditation in the West, emphasizing the oneness of all spiritual and religious paths.  With his wisdom, together with the practices of Consciousness Medicine, Family Constellation and Holistic NLP, I’ll explore how you can move beyond conditioned reactions and into a place of deep, unshakable peace.  You’ll learn how to do this by listening to your heart’s wisdom to embody a state of peacefulness that will elevate your energy and help you manifest your desires.

Key Topics include: