Healing Codes

Clearing Codependence

Episode Summary

Welcome to the Healing Codes Podcast, weekly healing activations and inspirations to achieve and maintain full health and well-being. In today’s episode, Clearing Co-dependence, I’ll cover ways to identify co-dependent patterns, how they become established and how to treat them using the complementary medicine approach of Consciousness Medicine.

Episode Notes

Episode 16 | Clear the factors underlying co-dependence. Codependence is an unhealthy relationship dynamic that results in people becoming excessively reliant on others for their health, happiness and well-being. Codependent patterns are established in childhood and perpetuated throughout a lifetime with partners, friends, and within communities.  Some people live their entire lives in this kind of dynamic.  And the longer you experience it the more tightly in winds around your heart and soul, making it difficult to break.  Ok, so that’s the bad news.  

The good news is that conscious awareness and whole-person healing treatment approaches can identify and clear the factors that underly codependence.   Treating codependence from the physical, emotional, energetic, ancestral and spiritual perspectives across the body matrix, is the key to facilitating deep and lasting change.  This allows for the healing and transformation needed to manifest healthy connections based on trust, equanimity and unconditional love.

In today’s episode, Clearing Co-dependence, I’ll cover ways to identify co-dependent patterns, how they become established and how to treat them using the complementary medicine approach of Consciousness Medicine.  

Key Topics Include: