Healing Codes

Cultivating Co-Creationships

Episode Summary

When we release codependence tendencies in relationship we are then available to create healthy, mutually beneficial relationships from a co-creative place, called co-creationships. In today's episode, a companion to last week's Clearing Co-Dependence episode, you'll be guided to release any co-dependent tendencies across the body matrix of physical, energetic, emotional, ancestral and spiritual bodies. This will allow you to access your truth and authenticity, revise limiting beliefs into empowered beliefs, clear childhood patterns, and connect to the support and power of your ancestors so that your spirit can align in full resonance with life-affirming relationships with yourself and others.

Episode Notes

Episode 17 | Create healthy relationships. Codependent tendencies are one of the strongest inhibitors of creating mutually beneficial, co-creative experiences in relating to others and your world.  Releasing the cycle of unhealthy attachments like codependence requires identifying and treating the source of the issue from a holistic, or whole person, perspective. Consciousness Medicine is perfect for treating complex issues because the approach allows for a broader perspective than traditional methods alone.  It also allows for going deeper into an issue and promoting transformation at the source of the issue for complete and lasting change. When we release codependence tendencies in relationship we are then available to create healthy, mutually beneficial relationships from a co-creative place, called co-creationships.  In today's episode, a companion to last week's Clearing Co-Dependence episode, you'll be guided to release any co-dependent tendencies across the body matrix of physical, energetic, emotional, ancestral and spiritual bodies.  This will allow you to access your truth and authenticity, revise limiting beliefs into empowered beliefs, clear childhood patterns, and connect to the support and power of your ancestors so that your spirit can align in full resonance with life-affirming relationships with yourself and others.

Key Topics include: