Healing Codes

Energy of Emotions

Episode Summary

Welcome to the Healing Codes Podcast with Julie Williams sending you weekly healing activations and inspirations for health and well-being. In today's episode, you'll experience emotional healing by activating your energy body to clear and align your emotional body using Consciousness Medicine.

Episode Notes

Episode 29 | The relationship between the energy and emotional bodies. In today’s episode, Energy of Emotions, I’m going to introduce you to the relationship between your energy and emotional bodies so that you can heal the past and embody empowerment in every moment.  

Key Topics Include:

You’ll learn how childhood development and chakra activation happen together, and how this is related to your emotional well-being.  

Experience a guided meditation to clear and activate your chakras while healing past imprints so you may access a greater sense of grounding, intuition, creativity, empowerment, unconditional love, gratitude, and harmony.