Healing Codes

Letting Go

Episode Summary

Hello and welcome to the Healing Codes podcast, I’m Julie Williams sending you healing activations and inspirations with each episode.

Episode Notes

Episode 69 | Healing Path Series Ep. 4 | Today’s episode is the fourth in the Path of Healing series, a ten-step guided journey for personal and professional growth.  In the previous episodes I’ve talked about Preparation, Support, Detoxification and now we are at the Release phase of the journey.  With a clear intention, a solid self-care practice and streamlining your energy by releasing things that do not belong to you, we are now in a good position to identify the source of the issue that is wanting to be released.  

Today’s episode will give you important information on how to let go of the old to make room for the new in a skilful, supporting and loving way.  You will be guided to understand where your resistance to change comes from and how to counter this with surrender, gratitude and empowerment.

Key Topics Include: