Healing Codes

Mind Body Positivity

Episode Summary

Welcome to the Healing Codes Podcast with Julie Williams, sending you weekly healing activations and inspirations for health and well-being. Today’s episode, Mind-Body Positivity, is the second in the Body Positivity series where we will explore, clear and harness the power of the true mind-body connection for a deeper embodiment of your soul’s truth and life force spirit. We’ll explore how inner conflict can derail positive thinking with a healing exercise to include all aspects of yourself in equanimity, respect and compassion with a guided meditation for greater self-empowerment, clarity and creativity.

Episode Notes

Episode 23 | Body Positivity Series: Ep. 2 of 3. Today’s episode, Mind-Body Positivity, is the second in the Body Positivity series exploring the underlying issues associated with the lack of it and how to build more self-love and positive self-image on all levels of being using the healing modality Consciousness Medicine.

Today we’ll build on those states of being to explore, clear and harness the power of the true mind-body connection for a deeper embodiment of your soul’s truth and life force spirit.  We’ll explore how inner conflict can derail positive thinking with a healing exercise to include all aspects of yourself in equanimity, respect and compassion with a guided meditation for greater self-empowerment, clarity and creativity.

Key Topics Include: