Healing Codes

Mindful Eating

Episode Summary

Hello and welcome to the Healing Codes podcast with Julie Williams, sending you weekly healing activations and inspirations for health and well-being. Today’s episode is the 3rd in the body positivity series where I’ve been talking about ways to revise your self-image to a confident loving and compassionate one for greater positive thinking about yourself and others. In this series, we’ve uncovered and revised old disempowering patterns that cause critical thinking, inner conflict and low self-value to find greater safety, self-love, inner guidance, embodiment and alignment with truth, joy and harmony. For this final episode in the series, I feel called to cover issues related to eating, food, and weight because this is how body negativity usually takes hold or develops in the first place.

Episode Notes

Episode 24 | Body Positivity Series: Ep. 3 of 3. Today’s episode is the final episode in the body positivity series. So far,  we’ve uncovered and revised old disempowering patterns that cause critical thinking, inner conflict and low self-value. Allowing  in greater safety, self-love, intuition and embodiment.

For this final episode in the series, I feel called to cover issues related to eating, food, and weight because this is the way body negativity is often expressed.

Key Topics Include: