Healing Codes

Overcoming Self Sabotage

Episode Summary

Self-Sabotage can leave us feeling defeated, disempowered and frustrated. But here’s the thing, what if there really is no such thing as self-sabotage? In this episode you’ll explore how self-sabotage is actually an old pattern locked away in your subconscious designed to keep you safe and well. You’ll activate a more self-empowered state to remain more resourceful when you feel like you’re getting in your own way. You’ll receive practical tools to help navigate your personal growth path to overcome self-sabotage by identifying the underlying self-care intentions. You’ll experience a guided meditation to overcome self-sabotage and create new ways of accessing peace, harmony and well-being.

Episode Notes

Episode 8 | Self-sabotage is an invitation for self-care. Do you sometimes feel like you’re getting in your own way and hindering your personal growth process? I hear this a lot from my clients.  “I’m sabotaging myself, every time I really feel like I’ve turned a corner, the old patterns come creeping back in and I feel stuck again,” Resulting in them feeling defeated, disempowered and frustrated.

I think we’ve all felt like this at some point in our lives.  For every one step forward we seem to take two steps back and there’s no one to blame but ourselves.  But here’s the thing, what if there was no such thing as self-sabotage?  Because in the Consciousness Medicine frame this is 100% true.  

In this episode, you’ll explore the reasons why self-sabotage is actually happening for a good reason and how to shift your awareness into understanding what is driving the patterns that keep you stuck. Activate your ability to access the positive in situations where you feel like you're sabotaging yourself.  Explore how limiting beliefs and ancestral entanglements are subconscious patterning that causes inner conflict, which is often perceived as self-sabotage.  

Explore how self-sabotage is really your system asking for self-care. You’ll activate a more self-empowered state to remain more resourceful when feeling stuck, or like you’re getting in your own way.  You’ll receive practical tools to help navigate your personal growth path to overcome self-sabotage by identifying the underlying reasons why it is showing up.  You’ll experience a guided meditation to uncover the intended positive outcome for your self-sabotage healing intention and create new ways of accessing peace, harmony and well-being.


Key Points include: