Healing Codes

Spirit of Organs

Episode Summary

Welcome to the Healing Codes Podcast with Julie Williams, sending you weekly healing activations and inspirations for health and well-being. Today’s episode, The Spirit of Organs is the first in a series to bring healing to the organ systems to detoxify, support and increase vitality. Today I'll start with your microbiome, a universe within you of microorganisms that help keep you happy and well.

Episode Notes

Episode 30 : Spirit of Organs Series: Ep. 1 of 8. Today’s episode, The Spirit of Organs is the first in a series to bring healing to the organ systems to detoxify, support and increase vitality.  I’ll explore the spiritual, emotional, energetic and ancestral body links to our organ systems using the practice of Consciousness Medicine.   Experience guided meditations to enhance your health, vitality and self-empowerment by clearing old patterns of disturbance and activating harmony across your organ systems supported by your entire body matrix on a physical, energetic, emotional, ancestral and spiritual level.

Today I'll cover the importance of your microbiome, how to support it and what can happen if it becomes unbalanced.

Key Topics include: