Healing Codes

Transformation Guide

Episode Summary

Healing Codes Podcast with Julie Williams, sending you energy medicine activations and inspirations for health and well-being.

Episode Notes

Episode 70 Transformation Guide | Path of Healing Series Ep. 5 | Today’s episode is the next in the Path of Healing Series where I’ve been guiding you through a ten-step healing journey with practical wisdom, exercise and guided meditations. Today’s episode marks the halfway point with step 5 out of 10: TRANSFORMATION.  This is the part where the magic happens, and where you become a conduit for discreating the old and creating the new.  With the Consciousness Medicine work, we utilise the principle of quantum physics to do this in a way that harnesses the power of consciousness to create and manifest a new reality. This is done with a meditative state I call The Presence of Healing.

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